Maharashtra HSC Hall Tickets 2019 Download – MSBSHSE Will Release The Maharashtra 12th Hall Ticket 2019 Download at official website Maharashtra State Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education, Pune is prepping to commission Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) or +2 exams for its students. The board is going to conduct the HSC exams for both inter first and second Year students.
Maharashtra HSC Hall Ticket 2019 Download
The advertisement for the same has been released and is there for download. Students of both first and year inter enrolled for the board exams earlier. Now they are eagerly waiting for the admit cards release. The admit cards for all the streams like Science, Commerce or Arts are released.
Students can grab their respective admit cards from online right away. Students should download the admit cards as early as possible as they will not be hosted in the official website for too long. Once the exams start students cannot download the hall ticket no matter what.
Maharashtra HSC Hall Tickets 2019 Details
Maharashtra HSC Hall Ticket 2019 Info | |
Name of the Board | Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (MSBSHSE) |
Examination Level | Maharashtra SSC / 10th |
Conducting State | The government of Maharashtra |
Category | Hall tickets 2019 |
Exam Start Date |
1st week of Mar 2019 |
Hall Ticket Release Date | 3rd/ 4th week of Feb 2019 |
Results Announcement Date | Jun 2019 |
Maharashtra Hall ticket Download Link | Download Maharashtra HSC Hall Tickets 2019 Here |
Official website | |
[ Also Read:: Maharashtra SSC Hall Ticket 2019 Download ]
Maharashtra HSC Hall ticket 2019, Maha 12th Admit Card 2019
The HSC exams are conducted every year for +1 and +2 students. The exams for both the years will be conducted on alternate days. The date sheet for HSC first and Second Year exams has been released long ago. Students who got their enrollment done can easily download the hall tickets by visiting the official website of Mah board.
Maharashtra HSC Hall Ticket 2019
Students who have backlogs in the first year can write the subject this year and clear the subject. Supplementary exams date sheet and admit cards were also released by the mAh board. As the Intermediate exams are of high importance, students should try and work hard to achieve good score overall. Students qualified in the HSC exam will be granted HSC certificate by the board.
Maharashtra 12th Hall Ticket Download @
Students who are unaware of the process to download the Maharashtra HSC Hall Ticket 2019 can read on this article completely. In order to download the hall ticket students should have their registration number and date of birth details with them.
[ Also Read:: TN HSC Hall Ticket 2019 Download ]
The registration number is nothing but the number that was given to the student at the time of enrollment while the date of birth should be as on the certificates. Students should note that while downloading the hall tickets, they need to check the details printed on it to find discrepancies if any.
If you find any mistakes on the Maharashtra HSC Hall Ticket 2019, it should be reported to the concerned authority of the board immediately.
Maharashtra HSC Hall Ticket Download Name Wise
Maharashtra education board is a very popular board in the country. It owns the responsibility to conduct the board exams for all the students studying under its affiliated schools. This year, it has planned for March exams. As the exam dates are nearby students are in search for the admit cards.
The admit cards for Mah HSC exams were released and can be downloaded with the help of name also. Students can download their mAh board hall ticket name wise also. Students need to simply use their name to find out their hall ticket and to download it. Students must make sure to take the admit card with them to the exam hall. The investigator will investigate the hall ticket before allowing you to sit for the exam.
[ Also Read:: WBBSE Madhyamik Admit Card 2019 Download ]
How to download Maharashtra HSC Hall Ticket 2019 Online from Official website
- To download the Maharashtra HSC Hall Tickets 2019 online, follow the Below given steps.
- Go to the official website of Mah board –
- In the website, you will find the direct link to download the hall ticket.
- Click on that link to get directed to the admit card download page.
- In the page opened enter your registration number and date of birth.
- Click on submit and see you admit card on the screen.
- Review the details on the card and if everything is ok simply download it.
- Take a printout of it for exam use.