TS Inter 1st Year Hall Tickets 2018 Download and TS Intermediate 2nd year Hall Ticket 2018. (TS Hall tickets 2018) can download at Manabadi.com, schools9.com and,tsbie.cgg.gov.in, admi.tsbie.cgg.gov.in bie.telangan.gov.in websites Telangana Board of Intermediate Education is all prepped to conduct intermediate first and second year board exams for the students who are pursuing the education under it. TS board has been conducting the intermediate board exams for the students of the state since two successive years.
TS Inter 1st & 2nd Year Hall Tickets 2018
TS Intermediate Hall tickets 2018 And Telangana Govt is preparing For TS Intermediate first year hall tickets 2018 and TS Inter Second year Hall ticket 2018 This year also, the board is prepping to conduct the exams on a prestigious note. The board has scheduled the exams for intermediate students in the month of March. As the exams are at the horizon, all the students were waiting for the hall ticket release. The hall ticket will be issued by none other than the board through its official website. tsbie.telangana.gov.in
Telangana Inter 1st & 2nd year Hall tickets 2018
Students who are studying intermediate under TS intermediate board can get ready to download the admit card which will be made available very soon. All the students have been anticipating the release of admit cards as they are pretty important in order to appear for the exam. In order to take the exams, students need to first have their hall tickets in hand.
TS Inter 2nd Year hall tickets 2018 year are said to be out 10 or 15 days before the exams. with 2 or 3 days difference TS Intermediate 1st year hall tickets 2018 will be released The exam schedule for both inter first and second years have been issued very recently and students have already got it in their hands. Students who haven’t downloaded the exam schedule yet are advised to download it right away.
Telangana TS Intermediate First & Second Year Hall ticket 2018
Telangana Board of Intermediate Education will soon issue the hall ticket for inter 1st & 2nd years. Students will be able to download the admit cards through online only. Students from rural areas can collect their hall tickets from their respective colleges. The hall tickets will be uploaded by the board in its official website. The hall tickets will contain all the important info like a name of the student, roll number, time of the exam, exam venue etc.
[Also Read: TS Inter 1st year Exam time table 2018 ]Students must and should carry the admit cards without fail in order to take the exam. Students won’t be allowed to sit for the exam with the hall tickets. Students must know that the hall tickets won’t be available for download in any website other than the official website of the board. Students only need to search for the admit cards in the official page.
TS Intermediate Hall Ticket for 2018 year
TS Intermediate is planning to publish the admit card for inter 1st and 2nd year board exams that are scheduled to be held in March this year. All the students will be notified about the same officially through a statement by the board. Students need to be alert as anytime the board could declare the news of admit card release.
Students need to enter their details like their registration number in the official website to download the admit card. Students need to take a printout of the admit card and keep it safe until the exam is completed.
Download TS Inter 1st and 2nd Year Hall Tickets @ tsbie.telangana.gov.in
Those who TS inter 1st year hall tickets 2018 Download Students of TS intermediate are suggested to stay tuned to the official website of the board to know about the hall ticket release. Once the hall tickets are out, students need to get ready to take up the exams. Students must and should keep a copy of the exam hall ticket in order to avoid any issues at the time of exams.
Students are advised to follow up with our page to know the exact date of release of admit card. We will offer students with appropriate info regarding the TS intermediate admit card release. We shall also provide a direct link to download the admit cards for both inter 1st and 2nd year students in our page.
[Also Read: AP Inter 2nd Year Hall tickets 2018 ]Note: Telangana Intermediate Board students of ts inter 1st year hall tickets 2018 and TS Intermediate Second year hall tickets 2018 who download admit cards from online make sure download them from trusted websites like official websites: bietelangana.cgg.gov.in, manabadi.com, schools9.com websites tsbie.telangana.gov.in