TSPSC Group IV Notification:
Telangana Public Service Commission (TSPSC) is going to release TSPSC Group IV Notification-2022 for the post of Over 9,168 vacancies for the posts of Group-IV. The Group-IV Recruitment has complete details about their notification on its official website i.e., tspsc.gov.in and Manabadi.co.in
the other details for the recruitment like Educational Qualifications, Eligibility criteria, Age limit, No of vacancies, Post names, Pay scale, Job location, Application fee, Important links, Procedure to Apply are mentioned below article.
TSPSC Group IV Recruitment Notification-2022:
Organization Name | Telangana Public Service Commission |
Type Of Jobs | Telangana Government Jobs |
Name Of The Post | Group-IV Services |
No. Of Posts | 9168 |
Educational Qualifications | Any Graduation |
Job Location | Telangana State |
Apply Mode | Online |
Last Date | 03.02.2023 |
Official Website | Tspsc.Gov.In |
Group IV Services Notification
Eligibility Criteria for TSPSC Group -IV Services:
Candidates have completed their Degree (graduation) from the recognized university/ college with the aggregate marks.
Age Limit for Group IV Services:
- Minimum Age : 18 Years
- Maximum Age : 44 Years
The Candidate’s Upper age limit relaxations details given below:
- 5 years age relaxation for SC/ST and BCs Candidate’s.
- 10 years age relaxation for Physically Handicapped (PH) Candidates.
- 3 years age relaxation for Ex-Service men (3 years & length of service rendered in the armed forces).
- 3 years age relaxation for N.C.C (who have worked as Instructor in N.C.C) – 3 Years & length of service rendered in the N.C.C.
- 5 years age relaxation for A.P. State Government Employees (Employees of APSEB, APSRTC, Corporations, Municipalities etc. are not eligible) – 5 Years maximum based on the length of regular service.
- 3 years age relaxation for Retrenched temporary employees in the State Census Department with a minimum service of 6 months.
TSPSC Group IV Selection Process:
Candidates who have applied for the Telangana Gr-IV Jobs 2019 will be shortlisted on the basis 3 rounds/ phases.
- Phase 1 is for the Preliminary Exam – 300 Marks.
TSPSC Group IV Services Scheme of Examination:
Preliminary Test General Studies (Objective Type) 150 Questions | 3 | 150 |
Preliminary Test Mental Ability(Objective Type) 150 Questions | 3 | 150 |
How to Apply for TSPSC Group IV Services:
- Log on to the l website manabadi.co.in we will redirect to the relevant page.
- Click on ‘One Time Profile Registration (OTPR)’ button on the displayed page and choose ‘Direct Recruitment’ or ‘Departmental Test’.
- Click on New Registration and an online application form will be displayed
- Enter your Aadhar card number and all the other details
- Upload your passport photograph and signature.
- Select on the type of notification and click submit.
- An ID and Password will be generated immediately.
- Candidates are advised to save the ID and Password for future references.
Important Points to Remember:
- There will be a Screening Test (Objective type) comprising General Studies and Mental Ability. This test is meant for short-listing the number of candidates to be admitted to the Written (Conventional Type) Examination i.e., consisting of six compulsory papers. The number of candidates to be admitted to the Written examination (conventional type) would be 50 times to the vacancies available at material time irrespective of Communities.
- The papers except General English may be answered in English or Telugu or Urdu chosen by the candidates. However, a candidate is not permitted to write part of the paper in English and part of it in Telugu or Urdu
- Candidates must appear for all the papers in Main examination and Oral test, who qualified for the same. Absence in any of the above will be liable for disqualification.
- The General English paper is for qualifying one and the standard of this paper is that of S.S.C. The minimum qualifying marks in this paper are 40% for O.Cs., 35% for B.Cs. and 30% for SC/ST/PH. These marks are not counted for Ranking.
- In the event of the S.C, S.T, PH, and BC candidates not coming up for selection with the existing minimum prescribed for the selection in the competitive examination conducted by the Commission, their selection shall be considered on the basis of Rank with reference to their performance in the Written and Oral competitive examination. The minimum qualifying marks in General English paper are however not relaxable.
- Hall Tickets for admission to the Written Examination (Screening Test and Main) will be hosted in the Commission’s website www.tspsc.gov.in and Manabadi.co..in website. The Candidates have to download the same. There is no need to submit separate application for this purpose. After Written (Conventional Type) Examination, eligible candidates will be called for Interview at the ratio of 1:2 with reference to the number of vacancies duly following the special representation as laid down in General Rule-22 and 22(A) of A.P. State and Subordinate Service Rules.